50 Cent Is Suing His Baby Mama Daphne Joy For Defamation

“Legal Dispute Emerges: 50 Cent Initiates Million-Dollar Lawsuit Against Ex Over Defamation Allegations

50 Cent has taken legal action against his former partner, Daphne Joy, following her accusations of rape and assault.

In a social media post from March, Joy accused 50 Cent of heinous acts, stating, ‘I am tired of upholding and protecting an image to our son that you have never even earned. Let’s put the real focus on your true evil actions of raping me and physically abusing me. You are no longer my oppressor and my God will handle you from this point on. You have permanently damaged the last hope I had for you as a father to preserve our family with the last and finally false claims made against me. You have broken our hearts for the last and final time.’

Upon request from 50 Cent’s legal team to remove the post, Joy allegedly demanded a million dollars and the withdrawal of 50 Cent’s custody claim over their son Sire as conditions for its deletion.

Describing the demand as ‘extortion,’ 50 Cent’s representatives have opted to pursue legal action.

The dispute between 50 Cent and Joy escalated after 50 Cent ridiculed Joy for her involvement in a legal matter concerning Diddy’s lawsuits.”

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