Happy couple shares 10th anniversary picture online, promptly gets flooded with worried calls

Thomas and Sienna had the night to themselves, celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. They reminisced about their precious moments together and wished for many more to come.


As per tradition, they prepared to take a photo for the mantelpiece. As the camera’s timer counted down, Sienna thought she heard a soft sound in the hallway. Assuring her it was nothing, Thomas hugged her, and they smiled for another photo of a year spent together.

Sienna posted the photo on social media, not expecting it to lead to something unimaginable.

The following morning, she was woken by the sound of notifications. Most were anniversary wishes, but some comments asked about a face in the background of the photo. Upon closer inspection, Sienna saw the face. She showed Thomas, who insisted it was just a shadow.


Uneasy, Sienna remembered hearing a sound when the photo was taken and asked Thomas to inspect the house. Finding no one, Thomas reassured her, “Relax, love. It’s me. Forget about that photo. We’ve got lunch reservations, remember?”

As they headed to the car, Sienna saw the same eerie face on the car’s window but was too scared to speak. She screamed and turned around, but no one was there.

That night, she was disturbed by strange sounds, certain someone was inside. She woke Thomas, who confirmed noises coming from downstairs. He grabbed his phone and gun. “We can’t call 911 for a ghost!” Sienna argued, but Thomas called anyway.


As they approached the kitchen slowly, they saw a malnourished boy burst into tears. His face was covered in snot, and it was clear he was scared and hungry.

“How did he end up in their home?”

“Hey there, it’s okay. We won’t hurt you,” Thomas said gently.

“You’re hungry, right?” Sienna asked with a tender smile.

“Hungry, yes,” the boy nodded.

“What’s your name?”


Nikolai explained that he and his mom came from a bad place and asked if they could help his mommy.

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