Here’s what you need to know about tonsil stones – the weird pimple-like growths in your throat

According to the Mayo Clinic, tonsil stones are hard white or yellow formations that develop on the tonsils. They’re typically neither painful nor harmful and can often be managed with home remedies.

The primary causes of tonsil stones are materials and debris getting trapped in the tonsillar crypts, which are small pockets or crevices located in the tonsils—the oval-shaped tissues at the back of your throat responsible for fighting infections. These materials can include minerals like calcium, food particles or debris, as well as bacteria and fungi.

Despite being more common than one might think, tonsil stones don’t always produce symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include bad breath, coughing, earaches, and sore throat, among others.

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Reports suggest that around 3 million Americans annually experience tonsil stones. Fortunately, removing them is typically a straightforward process. Various home methods, such as gargling with salt water or gently using an object like a cotton swab, can help dislodge them.

Additionally, a strong cough can sometimes loosen the stones and cause them to come up naturally.

In the following video (which has garnered a significant number of views), we witness someone in the process of removing a tonsil stone. Warning! The content is quite graphic!

Did you know tonsil stones existed? Have you ever experienced one before? Let us know in the comments.

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